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Signs You May Have Gum Disease


Bleeding, swollen, or tender gums are cause for concern. While gum disease (also referred to as periodontal disease) has serious consequences for your oral health, it can be remedied. At Precision Dentistry in Columbia, MD, Dr. Javod Gol provides comprehensive gum disease diagnoses and treatments, to help you achieve the beautiful, healthy and balanced smile you deserve. Connect with us online, or call (410) 884-0262.

Red or Swollen Gums

Puffy, red, or tender gums may be a sign of gum disease. Inflamed gums are caused by the accumulation of bacteria around the teeth. That bacteria proliferates when it is not removed with regular brushing or flossing. It is important to treat swollen gums in a timely manner so that gingivitis (the earliest stage of gum disease) does not progress into periodontitis or advanced gum disease. More serious forms of gum disease may also cause those swollen gums to recede.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums – during or after tooth brushing – may be a sign of gingivitis. In many instances, it can be reversed with daily brushing and flossing, as well as regular, professional cleanings.

Loose or Shifting Teeth

When teeth become loose or shift, it may be a sign of gum disease. An infection may have begun around the gums as well as the teeth. That infection may have spread to the bones of your jaw, resulting in loose teeth or complete tooth loss.

Gum Recession

Periodontal disease can lead to bone loss – and when the jawbone begins to recede, the gums follow suit. If your teeth appear longer, or your gums seem to be shorter, then you may have receding gums. This condition can occur due to many factors, but it is often a sign of gum disease.

Sensitive Teeth

If you develop gum recession for any reason, you are much more prone to dental sensitivity. When the gums pull away from the teeth, the roots are exposed. The exposure can make the tooth prone to decay, tooth sensitivity, and eventually tooth loss. Although not all tooth sensitivity is indicative of gum disease, if you find that your teeth are tremendously sensitive, it may be time to contact Dr. Gol for an appointment.

Bad Breath

Occasional bad breath is normal, but chronic bad breath may be cause for concern. If you find that despite your best efforts to brush and floss, you still succumb to bouts of halitosis, it is time to check for gum disease. Strong, foul odors are typically caused by bacteria traveling below the gum tissue. These areas are difficult for toothbrushes and dental floss to reach. As a result, bad breath caused by periodontitis is often not treatable with brushing and flossing alone. At Precision Dentistry, we offer scaling and root planning. This deep cleaning procedure eliminates plaque, tartar, and bacteria that have accumulated beneath the gums and smooths the root surfaces to deter irritants from reattaching.

Contact Precision Dentistry for Gum Disease Treatment and Care

To address any dental issues you may have, contact the professionals at Precision Dentistry. We provide comprehensive gum disease treatments and services in a judgment-free, relaxing, and warm dental setting. Having obtained his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Maryland Dental School, Dr. Gol has the skill set and dedication to effectively diagnose your gum disease and create a customized treatment plan. Schedule an appointment online or contact us by dialing (410) 884-0262.

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