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Crown Or Cap in Columbia, MD


Sometimes a cavity or fracture is too large to be restored with a dental filling. In these cases, Dr. Gol may recommend a dental crown, or cap. These custom-designed restorations fit over the entire tooth structure, offering additional strength and reinforcement. In the past, crowns were made of metal. Although effective, they were not aesthetically ideal, as they were quite noticeable in contrast to the surrounding teeth. Today, we use advanced tooth-colored materials, such as ceramic and zirconia, that blend in with your smile for a seamless result. At Precision Dentistry, we can help you determine which type of crown will most effectively serve your needs.

Am I a Candidate for a Dental Crown?

Crowns are used in both restorative and cosmetic procedures and can address a wide range of issues. For example, Dr. Gol may recommend a crown if you have:

  • A large cavity
  • A large fracture
  • A weakened tooth
  • Difficulty chewing food comfortably
  • A misaligned bite
  • Tooth erosion
  • root canal treated tooth
  • A dental implant that needs to be restored

In general, dental crown candidates should be free of gum disease, as this condition can seriously impede the results of your treatment. If an infection is present, we will perform periodontal treatment first before placing the crown. During a consultation at our practice, Dr. Gol will help you determine if a dental crown is right for you.

Dental Crown Treatment Process

Receiving a dental crown at Precision Dentistry usually involves two office visits. During the first appointment, Dr. Gol will prepare your tooth for your new restoration. After the crown is fabricated, he will place it during a second visit.

Book a consult for Crown Or Cap with Dr. Javod Gol now. Call us at (410)-884-0262 Or Schedule Your Appointment Online. We can typically fit you into our schedule on the same day so you can receive the care and attention you deserve.

  • Preparing the tooth: For your new crown to fit properly, Dr. Gol will need to remove small amounts of your natural tooth structure. Any decay will be removed during this step, as well. A build up will be placed as needed to fill any areas that have decay.
  • Impressions: Once the tooth has been prepped, impressions will be taken. These molds will be sent to our dental lab.
  • Fabrication: A skilled ceramist will use the molds to create your new crown. This process may take two to three weeks to complete.
  • Temporary restoration: While you wait for your new crown to arrive, Dr. Gol will place a temporary restoration to protect your tooth in the meantime.
  • Placement of the final crown: When your crown is ready, we will schedule you for another visit to our office. Dr. Gol will check the fit and then bond your new restoration into place. Finally, he will assess your bite and make any necessary adjustments.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns offer numerous cosmetic and health benefits. For example, these restorations can:

  • Alleviate discomfort caused by damaged teeth
  • Enhance your chewing ability
  • Bring more symmetry and balance to you smile
  • Conceal chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth

Maintaining Your Dental Crown

Like most dental restorations, crowns will not last forever. However, with proper care, you can enjoy your new crown for 20 years or more. Fortunately, crowns do not require any special maintenance other than routine brushing and flossing. Patients should brush at least twice a day with a non-abrasive toothpaste and should floss at least once a day. When you clean between the teeth, be sure to pull the floss through space in between rather than snapping it directly up or down. This will prevent accidentally dislodging the crown.

It is also important to attend routine dental exams and cleanings. During these visits, Dr. Gol can assess your crown and ensure it is functioning properly.

Contact Your Columbia, MD Cosmetic Dentist

To learn more about dental crowns or other restorative options at Precision Dentistry, schedule a consultation. Contact us online or give us a call at (410)-884-0262.

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